Tuesday 29 May 2012

May 29th - The country is gearing up for the Queens jubilee celebration. Decorations are going up everywhere.  Reminds me of the fourth of July.

We've had nice weather the last week with temperatures in the mid to high 70's. As a result we've had the french doors and windows open. There are no screens, not something they think is needed here, so a lot of flies get in as well as a few moths, but no mosquitoes.  The flies just go to the third floor and die, so I have to vacuum them up.

Saturday we were running errands and came back to find a Gyspy wagon setting up on the parking strip across the street from our house.  It looked like something out aof a movie.  They were starting a fire to cook and the horse was unhitched and grazing on the lawn. If I can figure it out I'll insert picture I took from our upstairs window.  We assumed they were going to be there a while but they left before dark.

We finished cleaning out our gardens this week end and planted them. One picture is of the large construction debris we took out the other is of our garden as we planted it.

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