Monday 10 September 2012


This is a town from Roman times. It lies on the western side of the country south of the Mercy River from Liverpool.  It has the Roman wall, remnants of a Roman amphitheater, and a historic city center dating from medieval times. It’s a smaller version of York.
City center, Roman wall, clock tower
Shops in city center
Equinox parade

We were there just after the spring equinox and caught the parade through town celebrating that event.   
Roman wall and gate. On left pillars in Roman garden
Roman Amphitheater- St John's church in trees
  The church of St, John, near the amphitheater, couldn't maintain the east end of the church, so they built a new east wall and let the end of the church fall to ruin. As it did, so they discovered a coffin with a body had been built into an arch way.  They don't know who it was or why.  Just the coffin remains now.

Coffin built into arch of church.
East end of church- coffin in left set of pillars.


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