Saturday 27 October 2012

Hatfield Moor and Peat Bog

A beautiful fall day, sunny, windy with a bite in the air, we went for a guided walk on Hatfield Moor.  It is part of a natural preserve now, but before 2006 it was mined for the peat that is found there.  The peat was used for gardening soil much like we'd use compost.

 In part of the preserve, the peat was scraped off and gravel was mined, so now these gravel pits are lakes.  The lakes have filled with rain water and the emigrating birds use them for resting and nesting sights.

Roe deer call the area home though we didn't see any. There was an abundance of mushrooms.  We saw 6 different kinds.

Now that we've been there, we'll go back with out the big group, and see if we can find any deer.

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