Saturday 16 February 2013

Roche Abbey

Built for the White Monks, as Cistercians were known, the abbey was founded in 1147 and is located at the north end of the area once covered by Sherwood Forest. It is said Robin Hood went to mass here. The transepts still stand to their full height and are quite impressive. 
Gate house
 Limestone from the cliffs that line the valley supplied the material for building. 
Limestone from these cliffs used in the builtings.
Kitchens and the abbot’s quarters were built on the other side of the beck (stream).  The footbridge that accessed them still stands. 
Maltby Beck
The monks had latrines which were over Maltby Beck so the running water took the waste away.  Accounts tell of 14 monks and an unknown number of novices at the time of dissolution in 1538.

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