Sunday 10 March 2013

Bolsover Castle

Horse yard and Little Castle
Horse yard -Terrace block in background Riding School left
This castle was built on the site of an early wooden castle.  Sir Charles Cavendish bought the old fortress in 1612 and built his Little Castle project. 
Little Castle entrance- Hercules over door
It was not designed for defense but as a retreat into the imaginary golden age of chivalry, courtly love, and opulent wealth. All the fireplaces are opulent whether in a drawing room or the top floor bedchamber. 
Star drawing room
First floor drawing room
First floor drawing room
Upper floor Bedchamber - Notice fireplace
Servants hall off entrance - Hercules paintings
His son, the first Duke of Newcastle, had a passion for training horses in dressage and built an indoor riding school.  It is one of only a few in the country. 
Riding school main doors to arena

Arena - Stable master rooms over viewing at the far end
16th century saddle designed especially for dressage- very uncomfortable!

He also added a terrace block, now in ruin, with a great hall, entrance/ballroom, and dining room.
Rear of Terrace block- little Castle in distance

Entrance hall/ ballroom of terrace block

  His goal was to invite the King and his court which he did.  He has an original play written and performed for the king in the fountain garden. 
Fountain garden. Wall thick enough to have rooms in them with fireplaces.
Venus fountain in the fountain garden
 The visit of the king and entourage would have cost in today’s pounds about one million or a million and a half dollars.

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