Friday 6 December 2013

Gainsboro Market

Market - flower stall where I found wreath
Every Tuesday the town of Gainsboro has a market. A bus stops at all the villages near Haxey using back roads and then heads to the market for three hours.  It’s the typical English double decker which is nice because it gives you a great view into all of the gardens as we pass.

Bus to Gainsboro
It’s amazing how sea sick you can feel on the top of the bus as it weaves down narrow bumpy roads.  I took the bus last Tuesday to shop at the market for a Christmas wreath.  The town and the big shopping area, , had all of their Christmas decorations up.  It was a nice trip and I joined several neighbors, who had also taken the bus, for lunch.

Christmas tree in Marshall's yard

Deer in Marshall's Yard shopping center.  It lights up at night.

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