Tuesday 26 June 2012

Olympic Torch Relay

England has made an effort to have the torch come within 10 miles of everyone. Today it went through Doncaster and neighboring villages. I went with some neighbors to watch it pass through the town. Not knowing how crowded it would be, and how soon the streets would close, we went early.  We were almost the first there, but it soon filled up with a cross section of England as well as whole grade schools and pre-schools. The streets were fairly crowded by the time the torch arrived. There were several large vans and buses, motor cycle police preceding it. Because of the large number of torch bearers, there is a kissing point (hand over) about every 400 to 500 yards. In some locations, people have tried to come into the street and touch the torch. As a result our torch bearer was walking with a police escort of 4 police on each side of the street. It made close photos hard to get.  As you took a picture, an escort would be in front of you and you’d get the side of their head. The shots I did get were as the torch approached. It was quick once it came, but it was fun to be part of the event.

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