Monday 5 August 2013

A women’s group from our village for their summer outing took a bus to Bridlington to the celebration of the former Augustine Abbey's 900th anniversary.
Front of Priory

Looking toward Altar in church. European churches the altar always faces east.
West window of church
To celebrate they were having a flower show. I assumed the flower show would be in the gardens around the church.  It was actually flower arrangements placed throughout the church.

 The craftsman who did the wood work inside the church (pulpet, doors, choir stalls etc.) carved mice into his pieces.  There are 18 mice scattered throughout the church.  It was much more interesting finding them then looking at the flowers.
Mouse on door
Mouse in choir stall
After we toured the church, we were on our own to explore the beach town. A friend and I walked through the old town and the 1 ½ miles down to the beach front and harbor.  This is a town that a lot of Englishmen come to for their holidays.
South beach and harbor walk
Bridlington Harbor between the two beaches
Town wall with north beach in distance

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