Monday 5 August 2013

Hall Farm Garden

A classic English garden with formal, informal, and whimsical areas.  It is three acres hedges, arches, fences, sculptures, pond and a moat.  Roses here have a fragrance you can smell from quite a ways off.  The whole garden smelled beautifully as we walked through it.  The warm day probably helped.  We are having wonderful summer weather the high 70’s and low 80’s.  The English think it is too warm! 
I’ve included a variety of pictures, but I know very little or nothing about flowers so sorry they are not named.  Hopefully you’ll enjoy strolling through the pictures as much as I enjoyed the garden.
English sparrow enjoying waterfall
Leonardo di Vinci flying Machine full size
Patio at side of house
Laurel arch

Rose Arch

Yew arch
garden gate
wild flower meadow
moat from original manor house ( burned in 1800's)
chess set

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